As part of your job application and the Company’s evaluation of your candidacy, the Company collects, receives, maintains, and uses the following types of Personal Information about you for the business purposes identified for each category:
Personal Identifiers | Name, alias, postal or mailing address, email address, telephone number, social security number, driver’s license or state identification card number, passport number | 1. To comply with state and federal law and regulations requiring employers to maintain certain records; 2. To evaluate your job application and candidacy for employment; and 3. To obtain and verify background check, required screenings or customer requirements and references 4. To investigate relevant employment matters |
Pre-Hire Information | Job application, resume, background check results, drug test results, job interview notes, and candidate evaluation records | Same as above |
Education Information | Transcripts or records of degrees and vocational certifications obtained | Same as above |
If you become employed by the Company, the Company will notify you of additional categories of Personal Information that it collects, receives, and maintains for business purposes.
By checking the box, I acknowledge and confirm that I have received and read and understand this disclosure, and I hereby authorize and consent to the Company’s use of the personal information it collects, receives or maintains for the business purposes identified above.